About Us
Why Corporate Training
Stress becomes part of employees’ everyday life which leads to many of health problems.
We Mansuria Kungfu School of Self Defense Society Bhopal tailored a short program called compact Tai chi exclusively for corporate work place . It will significantly reduce employees’ sick leave while improving their productivity.
The gentle and fluid Tai Chi movements can relax body and soothe mind dramatically. It is a natural solution for stress. It will inspire employee with enthusiasm in a healthy life.
Bhopal Division
The main instructor of Mansuria Kungfu School of Self Defence , Bhopal division is Sifu Biju Subramaniam 3 rd star Black Belt who practiced directly under guidance of Ln Hing Sifu R Sekhar ( Our Grand Master) from 1998 and under Sifu CJ Anthony Cochin Division since 1993.
He represented as coach for state Lakhadeep for national wushu senior level 2006 / 2007 and 2016. Biju Subramaniam authorized by Wushu association of Madhya Pradesh to take class for Taichi chuan and wushu in M.P.